Phew! The mango finally ripe on time for this mango cake...although there is 1 more not so guai.... 😀😀😀
First trial of mango decor cake though Its not perfect yet but feeling great
Happy birthday to my bestiest and wish u to be able to achieve ur next milestone as smooth as the mango decor
随着芒果季节的到来, 就手养买了几粒! 决定做芒果蛋糕给今天生日的好友! 第一次做的的芒果蛋糕装饰, 虽然还有待改进不过感觉很棒。。里面有好多的芒果肉
生日快乐我的好友! 希望你事事顺利犹如那么平滑的芒果装饰
海绵蛋糕 (originated from Jaclyn san)
鸡蛋 5粒
黄油 10g Cake Emulsifier
香精 1/2tsp(可以不放)
栗米油 100g
黄油 Ovalett / Cake Emulsifier
1. 将材料A用电动搅拌器快速打至面糊涨大及呈乳白色,改用中速打发,提起打蛋器面糊滴下,可以写8字型或面糊没有马上消失即可。
2. 用刮刀拿些面糊加入粟米油拌匀,再倒回面糊里,全部一起拌均匀。
植物性奶油 250克
幼糖 20克
兰母酒 2茶匙
芒果 2-3 粒
Piping jelly gel 加一点水
1。把植物奶油和兰母酒倒入容器里, 用打蛋器以高速打直变浓郁然后加入糖继续打直温性打发。
2。 把奶油冷藏至少30分钟后才能使用。
3。 芒果去皮然后用果皮削切出芒果薄片。剩下的芒果切小块待用。
4。 把蛋糕横切四片, 然后把奶油抹平然后铺上芒果块。重复把其他蛋糕片做完。
5。 把剩下的奶油抹在蛋糕上层和旁边。把蛋糕冷藏至少30分钟。
6。 后才开始把芒果片铺在蛋糕上面。 把piping jelly gel 涂在铺好了的芒果片上面。做其他装饰。
Sponge recipe
Ingredient A
Egg 5
Top flour 135g (sifted)
Sugar 100g
Cake emulsifier 10g
Water 20g
Vanilla essence (can omit)
Ingredient B
Corn oil 100g
1. Mix ingredient A using electric mixer with high speed until batter size expanded and turned milky white. Change to medium speed to beat until u can lift the mixer up and use the dripping batter to draw 8.. its done when the dripping batter does not goes back into the main batter immediately..
2. Take some batter and Use spatula to mix in the oil until mixed well. Pour back to the batter and mixed well...
150°C 50mins...
Decor cream
Topping cream 250g
Castor sugar 20g
Rum 1tsp
Mango 2-3
Piping jelly mix with some water
1. Beat topping cream and rum with high speed until slightly thicken then add in sugar and continue to beat until soft peak.
2. Keep in chiller for at least 30mins b4 use.
3. Slice mango into thin layers, the remaining mango cut into small cubes.
4. Slice the cake into 4 slices then apply cream on top of cake then place the mango cubes on it and put on 2nd slice of cake and continues the steps for the rest until finished.
4. Apply the left over cream on top and side of the cake evenly. Keep in chiller for at least 30mins b4 next step.
5. Place the mango slices on top of cake until completed then apply piping jelly glazed on top of mango slices.
6. Continue with the rest of the decor as u like.
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